Sunday, September 13, 2009

When is a loss not a loss and some other almost interesting stuff

Never. And with Ohio State stealing defeat from the jaws of victory yet again ( Texass, Penn St. ) I am forced to take away something besides the elation a win would have provided. I thought the players looked as fast and as big as USC. Something I did not expect to see. So even though the dejection is palpable I feel much better about the program going forward than I did after the win against Navy.

We have lost 2 of last 3 games, to top five teams, in the games final seconds, truly agonizing defeats.

Daniel " Bum " not " Boom " (correctly dubbed by my father-in-law) Herron is completely average and is a long, long, very long ways away from his predecessor.

This set of starting linebackers are completely average, I don't see any of them ever getting any kind of significant playing time at the next level.

I really like the Sears Brett Farve commercial.

After staying in a third hotel in a month ( I will, and have, gone years without staying in a hotel ) I really wish someone would open a chain of Hotels for germ-o-phobes like me. Where all the sheets, towels, blankets, etc. would be sterilized in an laundry autoclave. No carpet or rugs. Steam clean the floors and use hospital quality sanitizer everyday in every room. A sanitized bed cover over the matress and box springs would be nice. This is a can't miss.

Duron Carter, pictured above, should have caught the ball, even though he was triple covered, as the buckeyes were trying to get to into game tying field goal range at the end of the game.

To me, it was the loudest Ohio Stadiun has ever sounded on television.

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